Don't let her blond locks fool you. This girl was born and raised on the islands. You'll find her playing in the white sand and running along the shores of the clear blue sea.
I found these adorable 'Wallies' brand vinyl flower stems at a discount store today. Loved, loved, loved them. Grew a little garden right on Emma's wall. Who says you have to have a green thumb to grow plants inside? When she's tired of them, just peel off! Voila!!!
They look wonderful next to an Itty Bitty Kitty, don't you think?
Marigold wanted to sit and smell the flowers too. She'll be in my shop this week.
I'm inspired by so many things... flowers, being outdoors, seeing children smile. I'm a wife, mom, sister, daughter, lover of all
things beautiful!
At the moment my creative focus is on designing toys and fun things for children. Through my ETSY store I'm able to be creative and design one
of a kind items. I've met so many wonderful people along the way.
Stop by sometime if you can - Dianne